About Us

About 1977 Bp . Parto Atmojo established a furniture business called "Solo Antique Furniture " . The company is located on Jl . Siswo Gg 3 no.7 Solo. He led his own business which includes antiques , cabinets , marble countertops , as well as other crafts . And each year his business grew ahead . Until his death in 1982 . Then the family company headed by one of his sons named Murdoko . And once led by Bp . Murdoko , the company is experiencing peak of glory . He led the company until 2005 . Due around the end of March 2005 on the will of the shareholders "Solo Antique furniture " closed . Later he founded his company with the name " Griya Antique" Art & Furniture today. He currently has two antique stalls in the market Triwindu . And now in addition to antiques , cabinets , and marble tables , antique batik cloth , also sell beautiful glass production , lighting , and other craft items such as brass statue .